CONGRATULATIONS: You’re a Wildcat!
Follow this checklist to complete your enrollment and be ready for your first semester as an undergraduate student.
Many tasks within the New Student Checklist require that you login with your UNH credentials. If you have not setup your UNH account yet, please do so by following the directions below.
- Browse to
- Enter your USNH email (this information was sent to your personal email address, subject line "Claim your UNH Account")
- Click on the "Forgot my password" link and follow the prompts.
- Continue to follow the prompts to set up Password Recovery and Multifactor Authentication.
The below links provide step-by-step directions for setting up your account
Claiming your USNH Account
Setup Multi-Factor Authentication
Starting now
The below tasks can be completed as soon as you have confirmed your enrollment with the University of New Hampshire.
UNH ID cards are provided by the Campus Services Office for UNH students. Your ID card is used for identification purposes on campus and is used for meal plans, dorm access and Wildcat transit. There are no fees for your initial ID card.
There are two ways to upload your UNH photo
- Use the link sent to your UNH email address (subject: UNH Online Photo)
- Follow the “Submit Your Photo” link
- Review the photo criteria and standards and upload a digital photo of yourself
- Upload a digit photo of a government-issued ID, showing your name and identity
- Download the Transact eaccount App
- Search and select University of New Hampshire, then select LDAP
- Login using UNH Credentials
- Select settings cog wheel from top right, click “Submit ID Photo” under “Account” and Select “Get Started”
- Review the photo criteria and standards and upload a photo of yourself
- Upload a digit photo of a government-issued ID, showing your name and identity
Once submitted, your new UNH ID Card will be sent to your home address.
All in-state students are required by New Hampshire state law to complete the NH residency form to be eligible for in-state tuition. This only applies to NH residents who qualify for the in-state tuition benefit.
How to Submit your New Hampshire Residency Form
- Log in to your Admissions Portal using the email address and password used to apply to UNH
- Select “NH Residency” from your Checklist
- Complete and submit the form
By setting up Parent Portal users, students can grant individuals access to their financial account, financial aid award, and/or final grades.
Students must initiate this process and have the ability to edit access at any time.
How to setup Parent Portal Access
Step-by-step directions with photos
- Log in to Webcat via the MyUNH student portal using your UNH credentials
- You must select Webcat once in the MyUNH Portal, if not visible in the menu on the left of the screen, type Webcat into the search bar
- Select Add/Manage Users from the Parent Portal drop-down in the top right of the menu bar
- Review and approve the terms and conditions
- Select Add User and enter contact information
- Click to Expand [your users name] and check which items you would like to give them access to
Once a student has granted access, users will receive an email with instructions on activating the account. Directions to do so can be found here.
If you intend to apply for aid and have not yet done so, submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students are encouraged to apply as earlyas possible.
Submit your FAFSA
Learn more about financial aid
*If you are enrolling for the spring semester, you will need to submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you’ve already completed a FAFSA for the 2023-2024 academic year, you can submit your FAFSA to UNH by adding the UNH federal code or Title IV code, 002589, to your FAFSA.
Beginning in March
A number of checklist tasks open up for students in mid-late March. Keep an eye on your email to know when you can begin completing these requirements.
New Student Orientation occurs over the month of June. All incoming First-year and Transfer students are required to attend.
Registration for Orientation opens Monday, March 17. Students will be emailed a link to register, which can also be found in your Admissions Status Portal.
Orientation Registration is a four-step process.
- Log into your Admissions portal with the email and password used when you applied to UNH
- Complete the Academic Questionnaire required by your college advisors in preparation of registering for courses at Orientation
- Once submitted, you will receive an email confirming the questionnaire completion and a new link that will bring you to the Orientation Registration Portal.
- There will also be a new link added to your Admissions portal
- Select your date of choice and complete all questions associated with registration, including registering any guests you will be bringing for Parent & Family Orientation (optional).
Learn more about:
Most UNH students have a two-year on-campus housing requirement. Students who are required to live on campus (and those who wish to live on campus and are not required) must complete a housing application. The housing application allows the student to secure a room on campus and to find a roommate. Students with a housing requirement who miss the housing application deadline are still required to live on campus and must complete a housing application, but they will be hand assigned by UNH Housing staff.
Housing Application Opens Monday, March 17
Complete your Housing Application now*
*Enrollment deposit required. Login with your UNH credentials
Learn more about the:
Before the Roar is an interactive, virtual platform created to introduce incoming students to life as a Wildcat. All incoming students are required to complete the 7-module platform before beginning at UNH, with Module 1-3 before you attend New Student Orientation.
Before the Roar is a great platform to go through with your loved ones so they can learn about UNH with you!
How to begin exploring Before the Roar
- Visit and log in using your UNH credentials
- Start with the Welcome module
- The platform must be completed in order but once you have completed a section you can go back and review it at any time
Beginning in June
June is an exciting month for incoming students with New Student Orientation happening. This is a great time for you to ask UNH staff any questions you may have about what's left on your checklist.
New first-year students who meet the housing application deadline will self-select their own on-campus housing. Students will receive a timeslot which indicates the day and time that they can log in to choose their space. All timeslots are randomized. After selecting a room, students choose their desired unlimited meal plan.
* New transfer students are hand assigned by UNH Housing staff and do not participate in self-selection. New transfer students can choose a meal plan once they receive their assignment.
Room Selection Timeline coming soon!
Make your Room selection in the Housing Portal at your Designated time slot
*Login with your UNH credentials
Learn more about Room Selection:
Beginning in Mid-June, enrolled students are able to upload their required health forms into the myHealth&Wellness portal. Below are the documents and immunizations required for attendance at UNH. As you collect the required documentation, you can log in to the portal and upload your forms under “Medical Clearances”
Required Documentation:
- UNH Immunization Requirements- Download and print our Immunization Form or use your provider's form.
- Tuberculosis Questionnaire- found in the myHealth&Wellness portal under “Medical Clearance.” If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the 6 questions, you’ll need to get a Tuberculosis Screening from your healthcare provider and complete the Tuberculosis Screening Form.
- Consent to Treat Minors Form- Download the Permission to Treat Minors Form if you will be under the age of 18 when you start in the fall. Parent/legal guardian signature needed.
- MyHealth&Wellness Forms- Located in the myHeath&Wellness portal, all students need to complete the Health History, Consent to Treat, Financial Responsibility, Patient Rights, and Privacy Notice forms.
Required Immunizations:
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): 2 doses at least 28 days apart, initiated after 12 months of age, or immune titer
- Meningococcal (ACWY): 1 dose required within 5 years of enrollment; a booster dose required if initial dose administered prior to age 16
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap): within 10 years, after completion of primary series
- Chicken Pox (Varicella): two doses of vaccine, separated by four to eight weeks, or immune titer
Strongly Recommended Immunizations:
- COVID-19: staying up-to-date per CDC recommendations
- Hepatitis B (HepB): series of 3
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV): series of 3 doses
- Influenza : annually
All full-time degree students must have health insurance as a condition of enrollment.
In mid-June incoming students will receive an email with directions for enrolling or waiving the Student Health Benefits Plan (SHBP) offered by UNH.
Enrolling and waiving occur within the Wellfleet portal using UNH login credentials.
Beginning in July
All students must sign the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement as a condition of registration. This ensures that students are aware of our
billing policies and processes. This must be done by the student through Webcat. Please see the below tutorial.
Fall Semester: Bills are available July 10 and due August 1 | Spring Semester: Bills are available December 10 and due January 1
Payments can be made online or sent to UNH Student Accounts, 11 Garrison Avenue, Durham, NH 03824
Access your bill via Webcat, by selecting “View your account/ Bill” under the “Billing” tab.
- If changes are needed to your bill, go to Account Changes
- Course fees are applied based on registration at the time of your tuition bill
- If you add or drop a course after that date your account will be updated by the end of the add/drop period. If you need an immediate adjustment, please contact Student Accounts.
Questions? Contact Student Accounts at (603) 862-2230 or
Your high school or college is responsible for sending your final transcripts over to UNH.
To confirm that your transcripts have been received:
- Log in to your Admissions Portal using the email address and password used to apply to UNH
- Look for a green checkmark next to “Final Transcript”, that means your transcripts have been received
- If you are seeing a red X in mid-July, we encourage you to reach out to your high school/college
Additional ways to prepare for UNH
The below tasks are recommended for all incoming students.
The UNH emergency alerts system lets us provide you with critical information quickly in various situations, such as crimes on or near campus, severe weather, missing persons, school closures, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.
To sign-up:
- Navigate to
- Select “Register” from the top right corner
- Enter contact information and follow steps to confirm mobile carrier and number
Review the USNH Computer Software and Hardware Recommendations site, which provides minimum and recommended hardware specifications as well as software needs as dictated by specific institution, school, college, or department.
Antivirus software is essential for securing your computer and personal information. Students are encouraged to run an antivirus product on their personal devices.
- For Windows devices: Windows Defender is built into the Windows operating system.
- For MacOS Devices: AviraFree Antivirus is recommended.
Questions? IT is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, call 603-862-2525
Microsoft Office 365 is available for installation on personal devices by currently active USNH Students.